There are an estimated 2,400 golf courses in Canada.
77% of the courses are located in Canada’s four most populated provinces: Ontario, Québec, Alberta and British Columbia.
The main golf season runs from the middle of April until the end of October.
Some of the top courses in Canada are: Cabot Cliffs, The National G.C. of Canada, St. George's G. and C.C., Capilano G. and C.C., Fairmont Jasper (Alb.) Park Lodge G.C., Cabot Links, Memphrémagog G.C., Tobiano G. Cse., Hamilton G. & C.C., Muskoka Bay Club, Fairmont Banff (Alb.) Springs G. Cse., Shaughnessy G. & C.C., Devil's Paintbrush and The Links at Crowbush Cove.
Updated: 26-Jul-2022 | Email feedback to this question
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